Maintaining your oral health is very necessary if you want avoid any kind dental problem like cavity and other gum disease in the future. But you can take care of your oral health only without much effort if you just spend a little time of your day in caring for it with some step.
1. Brush your teeth twice in a day: One of the most effective ways to clean your teeth is brushing them. It is recommendable that you brush your teeth at least two times daily and it is more preferable to brush them after you eat your food and while brushing try to thoroughly clean every corner of your mouth. And in case of toothpaste it is more convenient if the toothpaste have fluoride in it and it is also necessary to change your toothbrush after every once in a three to four month.
2. Floss your teeth everyday: Even though brushing help to clean your teeth, but sometime food stuck between your teeth and won’t remove. In that case flossing can help you get rid of that kind of stuck food which is also helpful to your gum health. You can use about 18 to 19 inch long floss and after warping around it your middle finger place it in one tooth at a time and then rub it gently. If you are hesitant to use normal floss then you can switch it to inter-dental cleaner and maintain your oral health.
3. Visit a dentist once in a six month period: It is important to visit a dentist for professional cleaning and checkups in six month period i.e. twice in a year, even with the regular brushing and flossing. And you need to immediately contact a dentist if you encounter any condition like swollen red gums, bleeding gums while flossing, increase in the sensitivity of hot and cold or misalignment of your teeth etc.
4. Aside from brushing, flossing or regular visiting dentist there are some other tips to maintain your oral health which are:
• Toothpicks can damage your gum, so it is unwise to use them.
• Fluoride is good for your oral health, so it is necessary to drink water which contains a natural amount of fluoride.
• To maintain your oral dental health it is necessary to avoid consumption of acidic drinks as much as possible.
• While playing various kinds of sports it is wise to wear a mouth-guard to prevent any unwanted thing from entering your mouth.
• Smoking is also injurious to your oral dental health.
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